Monday, May 11, 2009

The Reality

People are often unreasonable and illogical, and self-centered
(forgive them anyway)

If you are kind people may accuse you of being selfish and having ulterior motives
( Be kind anyway)

If you are successful you will win some false friends and some true enemies
(succeed anyway)

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you
( Be honest and frank anyway)

If you find serenity and happiness, they maybe jealous
(Be Happy anyway)

The good you do today, people often forget tomorrow
(Do good anyway)

Give the world the best way you have, and maybe it never be enough
(give the best way you have anyway)

You see in the final analysis it’s between You and GOD
(it was never been with you and them anyway)

Life is?

* Life is a continuous challenge, a constant struggle from womb to tomb. We are not made rich by what is in our pockets, but by what is in our hearts.

* A happy heart is a good medicine & a positive mind works healing. In your busy sched, don't forget to smile and have a good laugh because it adds color to your life.

* Keep working with a good heart. You are worth not for what you have. Not even for who you are. But for what others have become because of you.

* Live fully, have fun. Be crazy, be weird, go out & screw up! Don't try to be perfect. Just be an excellent example of being human. Enjoy life.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some Rules in Life

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

When you say, "I love you," mean it.

When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don'thave much.
Love deeply, and passionately.

You might get hurt but it's the onlyway to live life completely.

In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, theirconversational skills will be as important as any other.

Don't judge people by their relatives.

Talk slowly but think quickly.

When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smileand ask, "Why do you want to know?"

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to Beat the Cost Living

How to beat the High Cost of Living
From the book: Who say's you can't?

The prices of commodities and services have all gone up and are going up. Married couple with average income must know some practical reminders on how to tighten thier budget and still carry on the heavy burdens of daily living with a smile.

1. Prefer necessities to luxuries. Make food first priority, not jewelry or clothes.

2. Ride in jeepney or bus instead of taxi. Walk if its possible, instead of taking a ride, after all walking is a healtful exercise, a good physical investment. If you have a car, save extra few pesos a month of riding in a public transport every other day.

3. Stop being fashion- consious these days. Reduce the desire and habit of buying new clothes regularly.

4.Eat in the office canteen or in less expensive restaurant or bring "baon" to the office.

5. Have your children study in less expensive schools or in public and state schools.

6. Plant vegestables and raise chickens in your backyard.

7. Reduce smoking, drinking and entertaining expenses.

8.Take a sideline to bost your income.

9. Indulge in self-improvement that would be lead to job promotions and salary increase.

10. Pray like a Psalmist: Lord give me neither beggary nor riches: give me only the necessities of life; and God give you abundantly.